Santa Fiora

What to See in the Village of Santa Fiora

The oldest part of the village is the “Terziere di Castello.” The view from Piazza Garibaldi is worth the trip alone. Here, you will also find the Clock Tower (XVII century) and Palazzo Sforza Cesarini, which is also the town hall and home to the Mercury Mines Museum of Mount Amiata. The most important church is the parish church of Sante Flora and Lucilla, which houses the Robbia works, terracotta artworks created by Andrea della Robbia. Another noteworthy church is the Madonna delle Nevi, which stands above the source of the Fiora River.

A dominant feature of Santa Fiora is its lush greenery and its close relationship with nature, which is a common theme in many Amiata villages. Given its abundant water resources, the village has been able to maintain a high level of botanical and floral presence. An example of this combination is La Peschiera, once used for trout farming (built by the Sforza family) and now a park/garden that you can admire.

Around the Village of Santa Fiora

Another place to visit is the “Bosco della SS Trinità” (Forest of the Holy Trinity) Natural Reserve, located at the foot of Mount Calvo. Among firs and chestnut trees, you’ll find the Convent of the Holy Trinity, built by Guido Sforza, who, according to legend, erected it after slaying a dangerous dragon. Santa Fiora is also perfect for hiking enthusiasts. Just like across the Amiata region, there are numerous trails available for those who love nature and tranquility.

Events in Santa Fiora

International Festival Santa Fiora in Musica (July-August): A summer music festival with numerous classical and non-classical concerts.

Sagra della Marrone Santafiorese (October): Celebrates one of the typical products of this region, the Amiata chestnut, through a food and wine festival.

Sagra del Fungo Amiatino (October): In the hamlet of Bagnolo, just a few kilometers from Santa Fiora, this event is a must for mushroom lovers. In addition to tasting this product, there are exhibitions, guided tours, seminars, and more.

Festa di San Nicola, Fiaccolata di Santa Fiora (December 30): A fire ritual common in many villages. As the sun sets on December 30th, the famous woodpiles placed in various points of the three districts of the village (Castello, Borgo, and Montecatino) are lit, and the village is bathed in a unique light.